Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Things that make me happy (tonight)

Driving home tonight from work, I stopped at the light at Franklin and Stevens. In the lane next to me were two bikers. They were real bikers, with tatoo covered bodies and wide handle-barred bikes, not just your evening/weekend yuppie biker types. One of them was helmetless and the other was wearing one of those old fashioned helmets that look a bowl, so I could see their faces. While we waited, a little girl crossed the street with her mom, she was probably about five or six years old, and she stopped for a moment in front of the guys and gave them a wave and the biggest, sweetest smile I'd seen in ages. Their immediate reaction was grins, just as big as hers, and two waves back.

David Sedaris on Fresh Air

The season finale of The Shield. I know that this last one is a little disturbing to list as something that makes me happy, but I've become a fan of the show. Vic is my favorite anti-hero, half the time I'm rooting for him and the other half I'm rooting against him.

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